Tips for breast milk
Moms who have just given birth need good nutrition to support their healing and recovery. And for mothers who are breast-feeding, their diet also has a direct impact on their baby's health and growth. Moreover, breast milk is the best source of nutrition for most babies. As a baby grows, the mother’s breast milk will change to meet her baby’s nutritional needs.
Naturally Ways To Establish A Healthy milk supply
1. The ways to increase more milk supply we need to confirming your breastfeeding technique and breastfeeding more often are the two most important actions necessary to establish and maintain a healthy supply of breast milk.
2. Moreover, to increase more breast milk mom's can also practice to eat more whole grains, dark green vegetables, garlic, sesame seeds, almonds, and flaxseed and flaxseed oil to gain more breast milk because their have the own benefits for moms to gain more breast milk.
3. When your baby is feeding, compress your breast to aid milk flow as this will also encourage more effective sucking.
4.make sure you are drinking a lot of water, eating a healthy balanced diet and not missing any meals. Also ensure you are resting as much as possible between feeds.